Special Religious Education
SRE in NSW Government schools
The NSW Government, through legislation and related policy, recognises the diversity of Australian society and supports parental choice in educating children about their faith. The delivery of Special Religious Education (SRE) is managed by religious persuasions, which are approved as SRE providers by the Department of Education. SRE is mandated by the Education Act (1990) and gives parents the choice to have children formed in the faith of their family. Section 32 of the Education Act says that ‘In every government school, time is to be allowed for the religious education of children of any religious persuasion.’ The provision of SRE is not funded by government. The Departments Special Religious Education Procedures are available online for the school community and other interested members of the public. The procedures provide guidelines for the delivery of SRE in government schools. SRE providers are approved to access schools, determine teachers and the curriculum.
Legislative Provisions
Education Act 1990, Sections 26, 30, 31, 32 and 33 and 33A
Foursquare Australia is an authorised provider of SRE in NSW government schools. Foursquare Church members will only be able to teach SRE if they have completed the Foursquare SRE teacher authorisation processes of and been approved by the church denomination. The current information, policies and documents provided on the Foursquare Australia website pertaining to SRE are a requirement of our church denomination’s ongoing approval as an authorised provider of SRE in NSW Government schools.
Approved Curriculum
Foursquare Australia authorises its SRE teachers to use the following curricula in NSW Government schools. For more information, including curriculum scope & sequence, please click on the following links:
» Infants & Primary:
» Secondary:
Use of Supplementary Resources:
There are times when SRE teachers may wish to supplement their approved curricula lessons with resources from other sources. Examples of such resources can include songs, movies, printed published literature, video clips and websites. Foursquare Australia authorises its SRE teachers to use additional resources provided that each resource is:
Aligned to lesson outcomes of the approved curricula lesson being taught
Appropriate for the students’ age, maturity and educational context
Consistent with Foursquare Australia’s SRE Policies and Procedures
Consistent with the NSW DET Code of Conduct, Social Media & Controversial Issues policies
How do I become an SRE teacher?
Requirements for applying to become an SRE Teacher
You will need to:
Complete an SRE teacher declaration as a part of the initial SRE teacher authorisation process.
Successfully apply for and provide your current WWCC details for validation
Complete Child Protection Training, with a commitment to annual refresher training
Familiarise yourself with:
Complete relevant training:
Modules 1-5 and 7 (Be sure to select Primary or Secondary training)
Module 6 (Observation lesson) is then completed within the first 4 weeks of teaching and evidence (including a completed Observation form) is to be sent to: newlifelowerclarence@gmail.com
Arrange an interview with your local church pastor
- Submit the SRE Engagement Form to newlifelowerclarence@gmail.com with:
- Evidence of completion of Child Protection Training (within 24 months)
- Evidence of completion of Module 1-5 and 7
Upon approval an authorised teacher will be issued with a SRE authorisation photo ID card & name badge to be kept on their person at all times while on school grounds.
Ongoing Requirements for maintaining your SRE authorisation:
All our current SRE teachers are required to complete and submit an SRE teacher declaration prior to 31 October 2024.
Participate in a minimum of 2 hours of SRE refresher training annually and send evidence to: newlifelowerclarence@gmail.com
Complete an SRE Teacher Self-Reflection Questionnaire annually and send a completed copy to: newlifelowerclarence@gmail.com
SRE teachers are required to undergo re-authorisation every 3 years
Complete SRE Engagement authorisation form
Provide evidence of Child Protection Refresher Training
Teach a supervised observation lesson (Module 6)
Complete 2 SRE training modules (Module 1 and personal choice).
If you have questions contact your local SRE coordinator or newlifelowerclarence@gmail.com