Foursquare Missions Australia
The current focus for FMA is to partner within the region to see the Foursquare Church in every nation of the South Pacific. Current nations include: Australia, Cook Islands, East Timor. Fiji. Indonesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands. Micronesia (Chuuk and Phonpei), New Caledonia, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. Nations who are currently the focus are Tahiti and Samoa. Solomon Islands are currently working through a plan to reach out to the surrounding Islands. Micronesia is also expanding into the other Island groups. A presence within a nation provides the ability to not only share the Gospel, but also to be available to assist with any other missional opportunities to the nations of the South Pacific. FMA also focuses on home missions, or mission projects within Australia, including partnering with local churches to support local community with food drives and emergency relief in times of crisis.

The Director of Foursquare Overseas Missions is Reverend Bruce Banton. He was elected to this position in 2019. Pastor Bruce also serves the Foursquare Church as Lead Minister of Foursquare Church Westmead, as a Regional Supervisor of DLT and a South Pacific Regional Trainer and has previously served the movement as General Supervisor and President, having faithfully pastored within Foursquare Church Australia for over 50 years.
We pray for God to equip us to raise up disciple-makers in the South Pacific.